Monday 18 March 2013

The Flower Kings - Banks of Eden Review

Having followed and listened to pretty much everything from Dream Theater, Transatlantic and Neal Morse, it's quite strange that it's taken me over ten years to buy a Flower Kings album.

So what do I make of their 2012 release, Banks of Eden?

It's risky to judge a progressive rock album on only three full listens, but my thoughts are clear enough already to commit words to a blogpost.

This was a triumph.

This is like Yes with the boring (and most of the nonsensical) bits removed. It's prog with dynamics. The first track, Numbers is an epic that really holds together.

A friend back at university pointed out to me that a Transatlantic track was really a handful of pop songs glued together with proggy instrumentals. Most of Morse's output falls into this pattern, as do some Dream Theater epics, to a lesser extent. I still love and highly rate lots of this material but it's great to hear something fresh that doesn't sound like prog by numbers.

Of course, had I heard the whole TFK back catalogue, this album may have seemed less original. One much-repeated tune bears a similarity to 'motherless children's from Duel with the Devil and there are lyrical ideas re-used from TA and even King Crimson.

Still, this album has been gratefully received by my eardrums and I highly recommend it to yours.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Today is NOT Pi Day

...unless you use the insane American calendar format.

I prefer to celebrate Pi Day on the 31st April (31/4) - fittingly irrational I think.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Pray, pray, pray

At Grace Church on Sunday, Jon preached on Gethsemane.

His last application point was 'pray pray pray'.

I needed to hear that.

It strikes me that prayerfulness isn't just a mark of true Christianity, but is itself the nature of Christian faith.

Christians don't trust in a worldview, they trust in the living God. They trust in Jesus. That is personal trust. What kind of personal trust exists without communication?

I'm not talking about hour-long devotionals or corporate prayer. I mean that constant reliance on God - communicated to Him.

It means prayers that sound like Psalms.

Monday 11 March 2013

Snowy vignette

Yes! It's snowed again!

I will crunch these flakes where no man has crunched before.


I am become snowman, the destroyer of tailbones.

downROOTED: The Musical

I've already explained the blog's title.

But if I had to explain it in two minutes and thirty-two seconds of folksy American country music, it would go something like this.

There are cars on the road

Wind flings light, unsettled snow like flickering flames across the street.

Blessed is the thick, downtrodden snow on the pavement. It's much tougher to sweep away.

Spot the problem

I was born to be grumpy and irritable. I'm a natural at it.

God made me this way.

That means God wants me to express my irritability. Call me a grumpy Christian if you like.

It would be wrong for me to be cheerful and content. I'm just not inclined that way - I don't feel it. I'd just be lying to myself and denying who God made me.

And lying is a sin, right?